Academic Probation & Disqualification
The College of Engineering Academic Affairs Office provides support and services to help all students succeed. This section of the website includes information on the most commonly asked questions about academic policies and procedures as well as resources available through the College and the University.
Academic Probation
Strong grades in math, science and engineering classes help ensure academic success in the more complex, higher-level, degree-required Engineering coursework. A student who has a cumulative UA grade point average of less than 2.00 at the end of the fall or spring semester is placed on University/College academic probation for the following fall or spring semester. Engineering students who are not making good academic progress in degree-required coursework may be placed on College-level academic probation even if their UA cumulative and major GPAs are above 2.00.
A student who earns a UA cumulative GPA of less than 2.00 will receive notification from the UA Office of the Registrar, and an online academic agreement will be generated in the student’s UAccess account. Academic standards for progress to degree will be defined in the agreement, and the student will be responsible for acknowledging the agreement. A student who does not confirm the agreement will still be held accountable for the standards for progress to degree. Students placed on academic probation must meet with their academic advisers within the first weeks of the beginning of the semester to discuss strategies for academic recovery. A student who has above a cumulative 2.00 UA GPA but is struggling in Engineering degree-required coursework and is placed on College probation will be notified via UA email by the academic dean’s office or major department.
The agreement will stipulate the minimum academic progress a student must make in the degree program curriculum to continue in the College of Engineering. Additional requirements for improvement may be assigned by the academic adviser.
A student placed on academic probation who has earned a D or lower in MATH 122B, 125 or 129 will be required to attend College of Engineering sponsored study groups for the class.
Academic Disqualification
Students must make progress toward an Engineering degree to continue enrollment through the College, whether or not they are under academic agreement.
Students who do not make progress face being transferred out of the College or College disqualification. Any Engineering courses for future terms in which a student is enrolled at the time of disqualification will be dropped.
Complete withdrawal from a semester will not necessarily prevent a student’s disqualification, as students are expected to make academic progress each semester.
Also, if students choose to take courses outside the Engineering curriculum to improve their GPAs, they may be disqualified from the College of Engineering.
Academic Probation and Disqualification Readmission Requirements
Students must apply for readmission through the University Office of Admissions and New Student Enrollment.
The Office of Admissions and New Student Enrollment will notify the College of the student’s pending application.
After receiving the request for readmission from the Office of Admissions, the College’s Academic Affairs Office will send – by mail or email – the student a Petition for Academic Review, a letter stating the deadline for completion of the petition, and a request for unofficial transcripts from any institution the applicant has attended since leaving the University.
The College Readmission Committee will review the petition, unofficial transcripts, and UA coursework. If students attend another institution they must show a vast improvement in engineering courses and a GPA of engineering courses of 2.5-3.00 to be considered for readmission. Students will be notified by mail or e-mail of the committee’s decision.